Breaking News: Hedepy Secures Major Investment Boost Following Podim 2023 Win!

Hedepy, the online psychotherapy platform that took home the top prize at the Podim Pitching Competition in 2023, is making headlines once again. The platform, which connects therapists worldwide, recently announced a significant investment, bringing its total funding to almost CZK 100 million. This time, a Hungarian investment fund is showing confidence in the future of online psychotherapy.

Podim pitching competition proves once again that it builds trust between startups and investors.

Record investment in 2023

At the close of last year, Hedepy successfully secured funding of 1.75 million EUR in December, concluding its investment rounds for 2023 with a grand total of 3.9 million EUR. Both existing and new foreign investors contributed to this achievement, with Nation 1 Fund and angel investor Leoš Navrátil doubling down on their support for Hedepy. The Hungarian Impact Ventures fund led the round, marking its debut investment in the platform. Corporate client AspectWorks also joined the quartet of investors. This latest funding round, the third time Hedepy has doubled its valuation, positions the platform for further growth.

Podim’s role in their journey

Podim played a pivotal role in their fundraising journey, serving as a significant milestone. The Pitching Competition, a highlight of Podim, subjected their startup to three rounds, exposing it to a plethora of investors. Securing victory also boosted their confidence.

As winners, they gained access to the Fundraising Bootcamp in Paris with Francois Mazoudier, a transformative experience according to Lukas. Francois assisted them in refining their pitch and deck, essentially starting from scratch, while offering valuable insights into investor thinking. In essence, Podim and the Bootcamp were instrumental in their success, laying the groundwork for Hedepy’s future endeavors. 

When asked why startups should attend Podim, Lukas emphasized its status as one of Europe’s premier startup competitions, the quality of its keynotes, and the chance to win a ticket to the Fundraising Bootcamp.

Strategic use of funds

Hedepy, operational in the Czech market since 2020, expanded its services to ten European markets within four years. In markets like Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Greece, and Finland, Hedepy holds a dominant position, providing over 60% of its therapies internationally. The funding will not only be utilized for the development of its preventive mental health care app but also to enhance support for corporate clients utilizing Hedepy for their employees.

Impressive growth and market position

The platform’s significance in the mental health sector is evident as it reported a staggering 200% year-on-year growth, conducting over 100,000 therapy sessions in the past year. Hedepy’s success stands out at a time when investments in Czech startups are experiencing a notable decline.

Exceptional recognition from investors

Gergő Iváncsics, Partner at Impact Ventures, acknowledges Hedepy’s exceptional achievements, emphasizing its unique approach in combining quality therapists with a self-help app. Impact Ventures believes that Hedepy has the potential to become a regional leader in the near future.

Comprehensive mental well-being services

In addition to online therapy sessions, Hedepy offers clients an advanced self-help zone for preventive care. This feature includes educational video content, indicative tests to identify potential issues, and a chat option with chosen psychotherapists. Hedepy aims to provide comprehensive mental well-being care globally, emphasizing the importance of prevention in mental health.

Corporate partnerships and services

Apart from individual therapy sessions, Hedepy extends its services to companies and schools. The platform’s unique offerings have led to a significant increase in corporate clients, with companies such as Havel and Partners, Ford, Multisport, Oktagon, and Unicredit Bank utilizing Hedepy’s services as a valuable benefit.

Online therapy and therapist flexibility

In response to evolving needs, Hedepy introduced online psychiatric services last year, collaborating with Unicare Medical. Verified and qualified psychiatrists provide these services, offering clients and therapists flexibility in time and location. The popularity of online therapy is evident, with over 1,500 therapists on Hedepy’s waiting list across operating countries.

Hedepy’s success story continues, and with this latest investment, it is poised to make even greater strides in revolutionizing mental health care. Stay tuned for more updates on this trailblazing platform.

This could be your story too. Take action by applying to this year’s Podim Pitching Competition now.

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