Tuesday, 17th May | 11.30 – 13.00
Powered by Space Hubs Network and Science park Graz
INTRO: Launching your Business with Space
Simone Carli, Science Park Graz / ESA Space Solutions Austria, Project Manager, Austria
Goda Sivickė, CIVITTA / Startup Division, Project Manager, Lithuania
TALK: My Jurney from the University Lab to the Space Orbit
Anna Gregorio, Picosats, CEO, Italy
TALK: SPACE is Not the Last Frontier, but a New OPPORTUNITY
Anilkumar Dave, InfiniteArea, Partner, Italy
PANEL: SPACE is Not the Last Frontier, but a New OPPORTUNITY
Anilkumar Dave, InfiniteArea, Partner, Italy
Martin Mössler, Science Park Graz and ESA BIC Austria, Managing Director, Austria”
Anna Gregorio, Picosats, CEO, Italy
Dejan Gačnik, Skylabs, CTO, Slovenia
Simon Chambers, Axsysnav, Managing Director, France
MODERATOR: Susanne Katzler-Fuchs, Brimatech / ESA Technology Broker Austria, CEO, Austria