We Want to Support Upcoming Startups

We talked to Andreas Muehlberger, the Strategic Partner Manager at Infineon Technologies and an experienced Development Manager (such as OSRAM, NXP Semiconductors, and Philips Semiconductors) with expertise in embedded software design and chip design.

He has led interdisciplinary development organizations on multiple sites and has a background of several years in product management, where he was responsible for defining the roadmap and market introduction of highly innovative smart card products. Currently, he takes care of university and research cooperation programs for Infineon Technologies Austria and the growth of partnerships with startup companies within the Infineon Co-Innovation program.

In our interview, Andreas explains the different ways startups can collaborate with Infineon and the opportunities this presents for startups.

Infineon is a global semiconductor company. Why are cooperations with start-ups important for Infineon?
Cooperations with startups are important for Infineon because we want to support young, up-and-coming companies in using our products in new applications and working directly with us. At the same time, we at Infineon are also learning about new requirements that influence our product roadmap.

What criteria are decisive for a cooperation and how is the cooperation structured?
Infineon develops a variety of exciting semiconductor products, which is why we are looking for partnerships with start-ups that want to optimally use our products in their applications. This can lead to a start-up becoming an Infineon customer at a later stage when larger volumes are involved.

But it can also be that a start-up becomes a go-to-market partner of Infineon. Then the start-up develops software or firmware, for example, that complements our hardware. The entire solution is marketed jointly.

Supplying technology or IP to us, which we can subsequently integrate into our products, is also a possibility.

But there is also the possibility that we become a customer of the start-up if they deliver finished products with which we can optimize our internal processes.

The criteria for cooperation are that the start-ups are in a seed or pre-seed phase and are managed by their owners. Finally, they must already have a concrete idea or be in the process of implementing it.

What advantages do start-ups have from cooperation with Infineon?
The startups gain access to our company’s organization and thereby also get in touch with our technical experts and decision-makers. This allows them to make decisive connections.

They receive samples and reference hardware, are technically supported in their use and can carry out marketing initiatives together with Infineon. They get the opportunity to participate in our tradeshows, events or joint social media campaign. They can be listed on our start-up web list and use our Infineon logo, showing to the outside world that they are partners of Infineon. So there are numerous possibilities.

A good example is the Viennese start-up “Ownerchip”, which will present its solutions based on Infineon hardware at our booth at the Podim conference.

What do you expect from the Podim Conference?
I expect to meet and contact numerous interesting start-ups. It is also a good basis to present Infineon as an attractive business partner. We are there with the aim of creating numerous new cooperations.

What will Infineon present at Podim?
We will present our Co-Innovation Start-up Programme and some interesting design challenges. We will invite start-ups to start a development together with us. We are currently in intensive preparation and I can only say: Stay tuned; there will be more detailed information to come!

Infineon is one of 32 companies participating in the Important Project of Common European Interests on Microelectronics (IPCEI ME). What role do cooperations play in this framework?
Microelectronics has taken the Important Project of Common European Interests on Microelectronics (IPCEI ME) as a focal point for the future positive development of Europe. Intensifying cooperation with other companies, and this, of course, includes start-ups, universities, and research institutes, but also with students, is an essential part of Infineon’s activities. The aim is to strengthen existing strengths and increase Europe’s opportunities. We call this our Mission Future, and we hope that as many start-ups as possible will participate.

Find here more information on Infineon’s global startup co-innovation program & Infineon’s IPCEI ME spillover activities.

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