Who is ready to rock the world with disruptive innovations? GIRLS!
You’ve probably already heard that disruptive innovation needs disruptive leadership. As Harvard Business Review once stated: “The theory of disruptive innovation has proved to be a powerful way of thinking about innovation-driven growth. Many leaders of small, entrepreneurial companies praise it as their guiding star!” But not even the most prosperous entrepreneurial model is nothing without good leadership!
The disruptive innovation journey is accompanied by tough challenges, the biggest one being decommissioning obsolete business processes with zero impact on ongoing business, while also incorporating intrinsically new processes. That is when true and proper leadership plays a game-changing role.
Disruptive leaders are many things, but most of all are voracious for information about changing trends in the industry and constantly ask people the toughest questions. They are valiant because they bravely lead people and organizations through uncertainty, encourage variety in thinking and open-mindedness, and are veracious in everything. Meet some of them and their stories of success in our next program block!
Dr. Tina Ruseva
is the founder & CEO of Mentessa, the future of work platform that helps everyone in the workforce maximize their potential at work, and the Big & Growing New Work Festival, the biggest future of work conference in the DACH region. She used to be a business support engineer at Microsoft.
Loretta Tioiela
is a co-founder & managing partner of Next Sequence, a new venture firm incubated at VC Lab. She is a technologist with more than 12 years of experience in Cloud and A.I. technologies and worked for major industry players such as Samsung and Huawei Technologies.
Tanja Sternbauer
is a co-founder & head of community at the Female Factor. She is a serial entrepreneur, awarded as “Female Rolemodel in Europe”, named one of the 100 most influential businesswomen in Austria, won the Startup Hero award and has been portrayed in different magazines and newspapers.
Stoyan Yankov
is a productivity & performance coach and a global keynote speaker, who co-authored the book “PERFORM: The Unsexy Truth about (Startup) Success”. He is also a co-founder of The Leaders Who Care.
Alina Klarner
is head of ventures at Impact Shakers, an entrepreneurship ecosystem tackling complex societal challenges through inclusive entrepreneurship. She is also an activator at SheEO™.
Kristina Shershun
is helping amazing tech startups from Credo portfolio with all things talent, hiring, and people, but she’s also an experienced trainer, speaker, mentor and career advisor.

Click all of them out in our PODIM program blocks here:
Wednesday, 18th May | 9:30 – 11:30
TALK: Why Caring for People is Good for Your Company
TALK: Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurship for the Next Age of Technology
FIRESIDE: Why Connecting Researchers and Developers Accelerates Creation of Disruptive Inovations
PANEL: How to Achieve Breakthrough Success – Beyond Obvious Factors
Wednesday, 18th May | 12:00 – 13:00
WORKSHOP: How to Effectively Scout Technical Talent
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Our PODIM program is really rock’n’rolling this year, so don’t miss a chance to meet the coolest speakers of the tech world!